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Investē Vidzmemē

Vidzemes reģiona konkurētspējas priekšrocības

High share of the population with a vocational education

High share of the population with a vocational education

Piekrastes potenciāls saules un vēja enerģijas ražošanai

Coastal potential for solar and wind energy

Plaši pieejami resursi bioloģiskās ekonomikas attīstībai

Widely available resources for the development of the bio-economy

Dense and developed road network - access to traffic flows

Dense and developed road network - access to traffic flows

The potential of the circular economy for biogas production from actrites and algae

The potential of the circular economy for biogas production from actrites and algae

5 iemesli, kāpēc investēt Vidzemē?

Skills of the population

Skills of the population

Vidzeme region has a relatively high share of the population with vocational education, the highest share of the population with secondary education compared to other regions of Latvia. Vidzeme is one of the leading regions in terms of the share of vocational education.



The VPR is home to Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences and branches of other higher education institutions, as well as vocational education institutions that train talented and high-calibre professionals. One of the research areas of the Institute of Socio-technical Systems Engineering (SSII) of Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences is Smart Economy Technologies and Eco-Buildings.

Resources for developing smart specialisation areas

Resources for developing smart specialisation areas

56.1% of the territory of the NRR is covered by forests, which offers new opportunities for the conservation of natural diversity, innovative wood processing, the development of ecological economy sectors and the production of renewable energy resources (biomass - wood, chips, pellets). Agricultural land covers 31.4% of the total area - a widely available resource for the development of agriculture, including organic farming and non-traditional agriculture, the production of raw materials for food products, and the potential to create synergies between agriculture and the development of solar parks. Coastal potential for solar, wind and wave energy production. Rivers, lakes and seashores. Two important rivers flow through the territory of the NDP area - the Gauja and the Daugava. 36% of Latvia's lakes are located in Vidzeme, and the VPR has access to the sea coast, which provides ample opportunities for freshwater and marine aquaculture and fish farming.

Good infrastructure

Good infrastructure

Good quality telecommunications services are available in the NDP area. The Vidzeme region has the densest road network compared to other regions of Latvia. The dense road network provides access to traffic flows for businesses in the Vidzeme region, which in turn improves their competitiveness, even when located in rural areas. Currently, the Vidzeme region is crossed by the international broad-gauge railway Riga - Tartu and one regional broad-gauge railway line. "The layout and technical characteristics of the Rail Baltica line will also allow the development of regional passenger traffic in the future.

Border region of EU

Border region of the EU

Vidzeme is an internal and external border region of the EU, crossed by several important international transport corridors, providing Vidzeme with direct links to major regional centres in Estonia and further afield to the Scandinavian countries.

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